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C-Game settings

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Date 10.01.2019

New Game Settings

You can specify a number of Earth-based player races on the Game Setup window. You will cycle through a number of Race Creation windows equal to the number of races selected. You will still need to create any non-Earth-based races after the main game creation process.

Date 11.09.2018

Chance of Ruins

I've added the chance of alien ruins to the game window, so it can be adjusted.

It is normally 20% for any terrestrial world, terrestrial moon or small terrestrial moon with gravity > 0.4G and temperature between 200K and 360K (about -73C to +87C).

Date 22.02.2018

Starting Values

Starting Build Points

A new player race in Aurora receives a number of Starting Build Points equal to two years wealth. These can be spent on instant build for Ships and Ground Formations.

If the available Instant Build Point total is greater than zero, the Instant Build section will be shown on the Miscellaneous tab of the Class window, including the current Instant Build Point total, plus selection options for destination fleet and number of ships to be built. This section will also appear if SM Mode is active, so additional ships can be instantly built if required by the game setup.

If the available Instant Build Point total is greater than zero, that total, plus the Instant Build button, will be shown on the GU Training tab of the Economics window. When the Instant Build button is clicked, a popup box will allow entry of the number of formations to be built. This button will also appear if SM Mode is active, so additional formations can be instantly built if required by the game setup.

If you choose to have automatically constructed ground formations at game start, their cost will be deducted from the starting build points.

The ship options replace the VB6 Fast OOB window, while the ground options are new for C# Aurora.

Date 12.02.2018

Starting NPR Locations

There is a new option on the New Game window that allows you to specify the maximum distance (in light years) of starting NPRs in Known Stars games. The NPR starting location will be selected from the list of known star systems within that distance from Sol. This gives you some control over how fast you will run into the starting NPRs.

Once a known system is selected, the system bodies for that system will be generated and checked for a suitable planet or moon to establish the NPR. This potential body needs to be in the acceptable range for gravity, temperate and hydro extent. The atmosphere will be changed to something suitable. If nothing is found, the system is generated again and again until a suitable location appears (this won't take long).

A check is also made to see if the NPR location is within reasonable range of the primary star; either by orbiting within about 12 billion kilometres or orbiting within 12b km of a star that allows travel by Lagrange point to the primary (with the LPs also within 12b of each star). I've even checked for the planet/moon orbiting a star with no Lagrange points but that star is within 12b km of the primary, or orbiting a star with no Lagrange points but that star is within 12b km of another star that does have LPs to the primary :) This is to ensure no NPRs created that are unlikely to interact with the player.

Date 05.07.2018