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The Reset button described in the manual assignment tutorial section doesn't seem to work as described for me. I'm guessing that this is changed. I CAN unassign a governor by clicking on them in the rightmost list and then clicking on the grey unassigned line in the potential assignments window and then clicking the assign button. I guess I'm assigning them to unemployment.

Before I make any changes in this area can someone else enlighten me as to whether or not I'm correct?

I have never had to use the reset button, but I made a quick test and it appears to be disabled. It at least it was remained so for me regardless of what I did ( manual/auto assignments rename, save etc) maybe its a bug? --Mor (talk) 18:29, 5 February 2016 (PST)

I really like how this section was improved. But I think that leaders CAN still advance their skills if not assigned. I have seen scientists with no current project get skills bumps. I like to believe that they get increased rates of improvement when employed but have seen no definitive statements from the developer that that's true. Havan IronOak