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C-Ship Movement

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Fleet Maximum Speed

Fleets have a checkbox on the Naval Organization window entitled 'Use Maximum Speed'.

If this is checked, Fleets will automatically recheck their speed at the start of each movement sub-pulse and use the maximum available. Date 25.11.2018

Speed and Thermal Signature

If a fleet has movement orders, each ship in that fleet has a thermal signature equal to: (current speed / max speed) * max thermal signature (the same as VB6).

This applies regardless of whether the order involves a change in position, so a freighter in transit and one loading cargo are both 'moving'.

A ship in a fleet without orders (=speed 0) has a baseline thermal output equal to 5% of its size in hull spaces (or 0.1% of its size in tons).

For example, a 10,000 ton ship without orders would have a thermal signature of 10 (200 HS x 5%).

There is no distinction for commercial shipping on the basis that some commercial functions (mining, terraforming, harvesters) would generate heat and even freighters would have less thermal shielding than similar size warships.

The minimum thermal signature for a ship with movement orders is also the base thermal output.

This has significant implications for scouting, as passive sensors will now only detect large stationary alien warships from a relatively short range.

Date 15.04.2019

Fleet Movement Auto Route

The Fleet Movement Orders section of the Naval Organization window has an option called Auto Route by System.

When this option is selected, the normal movement destinations list will be replaced by a list of systems that the Fleet is capable of reaching. Clicking on a system and clicking Add Move will generate all the movement orders from the current system to the destination system. The System Locations option will be automatically selected and the destination list for the new system will be displayed, so the player can complete any specific orders.

The determination of which systems can be reached is based on three check boxes to the right hand side of the same tab.

  • 1. Assume Fleet is Jump Capable: If checked, the algorithm will assume the fleet will be able to transit any jump point. If not checked, the fleet will have to be jump capable to reach any system beyond a jump point without a gate.
  • 2. Check Danger Rating: If checked, the fleet will not be able to travel through any system where the danger rating is higher than the protection value of the friendly warships in that system
  • 3. Exclude Alien-Controlled: If checked, the fleet will not be able to travel through any system that the player has flagged as alien controlled (assigned a flag)

Fleets have two stored values, Avoid Danger and Avoid Alien Systems. These are set on by clicking the second and third check boxes above and will affect the algorithm used for Standing and Conditional Orders for that fleet in addition to the Auto Route.

The list of systems will highlight any populated systems in light green and any other colony systems in dark green. The total population will be shown (if greater than zero) or the number of the most important installation type. In order of priority these are automated mines (including asteroid miners), then terraformers (including orbital), then tracking stations. This is similar to the population tree view on the Economics window functions.

These four screenshots below show an example journey. In the first, a US fleet in the Eta Cassiopeiae system (highlighted at the bottom) wants to return to Sol. In the second, the potential system list is displayed. As the Exclude Alien-Controlled option is checked, the fleet cannot travel through the Commonwealth systems starting with EV Lacertae so none of those systems are an option. The third screenshot shows the results as the path finding algorithm takes the fleet on a longer route via Oregon then displays the destination list for Sol. The fourth screenshot shows the journey of a French survey ship. In this case, the algorithm has determined that using Lagrange points in two of the systems will make the journey shorter.

Date 27.02.2018


Waypoints will be much more useful in C# Aurora. It will be possible to add the following five types to the system map:

  • Normal: The standard waypoint from VB6 Aurora. This will appear on the map as Waypoint #1, Waypoint #2, etc. with the number unique to the system. A normal waypoint will remain until manually removed and can be assigned as a destination in movement orders.
  • Named: Functions as a normal waypoint with the exception that during placement you can assign a name to the waypoint, that will be displayed instead of the normal text.
  • Rendezvous: Functions as a normal waypoint and will also be used as a target for the new Standing / Conditional Order “Move to closest Rendezvous Point”.
  • Point of Interest (POI): A temporary waypoint that remain in place until a fleet arrives at the location or for six months, whichever happens first. The POI will be used as the destination for the new Standing Order “Investigate Point of Interest”. The function of this waypoint is for the player to designate areas in a system which he wishes a fleet to visit automatically. Different fleets operating with the “Investigate Point of Interest” order will take account of each other’s activity to avoid duplication of destination.
  • Urgent Point of Interest: Similar in function to a POI waypoint. The differences are that this waypoint type will remain in place until a fleet arrives at the location or for one year, whichever happens first, and that any fleet with the Standing Order “Investigate Point of Interest” will visit Urgent POIs before normal POIs.

Clicking on a system body icon when placing a waypoint of any kind will link the waypoint to the system body and it will move with that system body.

Example screenshots:
