Aurora is on version 2.5.0 C#, available at the Aurora Forums.

Contact Erik on the forum for a wiki account.


From AuroraWiki
Revision as of 15:50, 31 January 2016 by TMarkos (talk | contribs) (Added tech branch)
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Component Information
Component Information
Type Core
Class Military
Tech Branch Sensors & Fire Control
Size (HS) 10
Size (Tons) 500
Production Cost
Build Cost 360
Duranium 48
Neutronium 36
Mercassium 10

Component Information
Type Core
Class Commercial
Tech Branch Logistics & Ground Combat
Small 5000 Cargo, 100 HS
Large 25000 Cargo, 5000 HS
Production Cost per 5000 Cargo
Build Cost 50
Duranium 20
Corbomite 20
|type = Core <!-- Core, Designed -->
|class = Commercial <!-- Commercial, Military -->
|techbranch =  <!-- What area the relevant tech is in -->
|staticsizehs =  <!-- size here for nonvariable part modules e.g. asteroid miner -->
|staticsizetn =  <!-- size in tons -->

|varpartvalue =       <!-- unit of whatever it's providing for the variant e.g. cargo, time -->
                      <!-- size here for variant part modules e.g. cargo up to 5 types -->
|var1name  =          <!-- name of part variant -->
|var1value =          <!-- how much of the module benefit it provides, e.g. how much cargo -->
|var1size  =          <!-- size of the variant in HS -->
|var2name  =  
|var2value =  
|var2size  =  
|var3name  = 
|var3value = 
|var3size  = 
|var4name  = 
|var4value = 
|var4size  = 
|var5name  = 
|var5value = 
|var5size  = 

|costunit  =    <!-- unit label (e.g. cargo, survey points) if cost scales linearly and you want to do a per-unit breakdown -->
|partcost  =    <!-- provide if module has a static part cost otherwise probably better to do a table -->
|ducost    =    <!-- Duranium -->
|socost    =    <!-- Sorium -->
|necost    =    <!-- Neutronium -->
|cbcost    =    <!-- Corbomite -->
|trcost    =    <!-- Tritanium -->
|bocost    =    <!-- Boronide -->
|urcost    =    <!-- Uridium -->
|cdcost    =    <!-- Corundium -->
|mecost    =    <!-- Mercassium -->
|vecost    =    <!-- Vendarite -->
|gacost    =    <!-- Gallicite -->