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AuroraWiki:Manual of Style

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This Manual of Style outlines a standard of clean, consistent formatting for articles in AuroraWiki. The formatting described here is a guideline and can be overridden where circumstances warrant it. These guidelines will never be unerringly perfect for every situation. However, please try your best to keep to the advice outlined in this article so others may use your edits as an example when creating and editing their own articles.

These guidelines are a summary of the most important guidelines for the AuroraWiki, but a more expansive set of guidelines can be found on Wikipedia at Wikipedia Manual of Style. Feel free to discuss our Layout Guide on the talk page.


A picture speaks a thousand words, but a misplaced or untidy image can detract from an article. When choosing images, keep in mind placement, size and the appropriateness of the image to the section. Let images flow with the text instead of break it up.

  • Large images such as screenshots should use the "thumb" (For example:[[File:Image.jpg|thumb|caption]]) option which displays large images as thumbnails. Images should generally be right-aligned, to enhance readability by allowing a smooth flow of text down the left margin - the "thumb" option does this by default.
  • Avoid the use px (e.g. thumb|300px), which forces a fixed image width. Where a smaller or larger image is appropriate, use |upright=scaling factor, which expands or contracts the image by a factor, thereby respecting the user's base preference (which may have been selected for that user's particular devices).
  • Large images for step by step pictorial tutorial can be added by using Template:Screenshot.


Tables should use the "wikitbale" class when possible, and should include as little 'fancy' formatting as possible. Tables can also be made sortable by adding a "sortable" class. Example: {| class="wikitbale" ... or {| class="wikitbale sortable" ...


All notable topics on an article that the wiki has articles on should be linked to. However, don't over link, it is recommended that you limit the number of times you link the same word in a single article. Do not use external links in the body of an article. Articles can include an external links section at the end as further reading.